• 5 March 2025

    On the “road” to success: Is driver training beneficial for older adults?

    Driver training may play a role in helping older adults stay on the road safely.
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  • 14 June 2023

    Grey nomads: Aging optimally on the road

    For more than two decades, Australia has seen a growing community of "grey nomads" who travel independently and for extended periods in their caravan or motor home. A nomadic lifestyle can reveal some challenges when it comes to chronic disease management. What lessons can we learn from Australia's grey nomads with type 1 and 2 diabetes?
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  • 24 November 2021

    Driving: The super-activity of daily living?

    Driving is a complex task that involves many different skills and body functions. Dr. Brenda Vrkljan discusses how cognitive decline can impact driving safely and how healthcare professionals can help evaluate a person’s fitness to drive and support them in maintaining their mobility and independence for as long as possible.
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  • 19 May 2021

    Supporting greater mobility through autonomous vehicles

    Age-related changes can affect our physical and mental health. They can also affect our ability to walk, cycle, or drive a vehicle. Could autonomous vehicles improve mobility for older adults?
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  • 4 November 2020

    Improve your safety and performance behind the wheel

    Losing a driver's licence is seen by many as the end of independence and can become one of the factors that triggers social isolation, depression and even the obligation to move to a nursing home. This is why several efforts are being made to delay this moment, while preserving the safety of older drivers and other road users. Can training programs for older drivers be effective in maintaining or increasing their safety and performance behind the wheel?
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  • 26 August 2020

    Alternatives to the car

    Many older adults say that they have no other options than the car for getting around… Yet there are a variety of alternative modes of transportation: public transit, flexible or adapted transportation, taxi, bicycle, walking. So, what is preventing them from adopting alternative modes of transport?
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  • 12 August 2020

    Getting around the city: Can geospatial technologies be adapted to help wheelchair users?

    Mobility problems are common and can affect both autonomy and social participation. Among wheelchair users, their mobility is also hampered by various obstacles. But new geospatial assistive technologies may help them get around the city.
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  • 29 July 2020

    Assistive technologies: It’s not for me, I’m not there yet!

    In Canada 1.1 million older adults use assistive technology to compensate for physical or cognitive limitations. However, despite the potential benefits of these technologies, some older adults remain reluctant to use them. What can explain this reluctance?
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  • 5 June 2019

    Smart technologies to help you behind the wheel

    Automotive technologies are evolving rapidly. New so-called ‘smart’ technologies facilitating driving have emerged and are now increasingly available in vehicles. But what does research tell us about the impact of these smart technologies on older drivers?
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  • 11 December 2018

    Walking: An age-old strategy to boost your health

    As you get older, getting from one place to another can be a challenge. To put you on the road to better health, invest in a sturdy pair of shoes and use the power of your own two feet to get you to where you need to be.
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  • 12 February 2018

    How do we know when it’s time for someone to hang up the car keys?

    While policies such as in-person licence renewal and medical reporting of potentially unfit drivers showed some statistically significant benefits for older driver safety, the relative impact was modest. There is no magic policy regarding licensing of older drivers to make the roads safe, and a concerted approach to improve road safety is required.
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