• 21 February 2024

    Genetics and dementia: What's the connection?

    In this webinar recording, Drs. Tricia Woo and Anthony Levinson demystify the role that genetics and other non-modifiable risk factors play in a person's risk of developing dementia. Discover the difference between sporadic and familial Alzheimer disease and learn about the role of susceptibility genes in increasing your risk. Learn about genetic testing and who should get a test. Explore how to reduce your risk, delay the onset, or slow the progression of dementia by addressing various modifiable risk factors to reduce damage to the brain and to increase capacity.
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  • 29 November 2023

    Dementia risk reduction: A how-to guide

    Currently, treatments for dementia are limited. This makes prevention that much more important. The idea that you could do something about your risk of dementia is a relatively new concept. In this webinar, Drs. Anthony Levinson and Richard Sztramko discuss dementia and how you can decrease your personal risk of developing it by addressing various modifiable risk factors. It's never too early or too late to reduce your risk.
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