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Religious beliefs about gambling can influence both gambling and help-seeking behavior. Most religions have clear positions on the morality of gambling and rates of harmful gambling across religious groups may be related to the group's religious attitudes towards gambling. For instance, Catholicism and Judaism permit gambling in moderation, and studies suggest that Catholics and Jews gamble more and have higher rates of harmful gambling than members of other religions, including, Mormons, Buddhists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Hindus, and Muslims. Catholics and Jews are also highly represented amongst in-patient harmful gambling treatment programs compared to members of other religions.
Adhering to a religious faith that disapproves of gambling is a factor that protects against harmful gambling, since it makes it less likely that an individual will gamble. If the individual nevertheless does gamble, the intensity is likely to be lower. Participation in activities pertaining to such religions is one of the few identified protective factors against the development of gambling problems. Spirituality and faith may also help people to overcome gambling problems. For instance, spirituality is a cornerstone of the mutual support organization Gamblers Anonymous and similar twelve-step treatment programs.
Search the Evidence Centre for Religion
Young, M. M., Sztainert, T., & Santoro, M. (2010). The Treatment and Prevention of Problem Gambling in Ontario Ethno-cultural communities [Research Report]. Guelph, ON: Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre.